A day out crabbing on the quayside in Hamble

Crabbing was a big part of my childhood growing up in Devon so I was pleased to find the perfect spot on Hamble quayside to partake in such activity. If you’ve got kids then it’s a great one to have up your sleeve for hours of free entertainment and fun.
Gather a bucket, some lines and plenty of bait (bacon rind is always a winner!) and nab your spot on the quayside. A steady hand is key to the catch. It’s all about mastering the art of keeping the crab on the line all the way up from the water and into the bucket. Make sure you keep score as the captors go into the bucket so there’s no need for curious fingers to tally up within nip of those pincers.
With the final scores declared and the captors released, award competitors a well deserved round of ice creams, with an extra flake for the winner. Or if something more substantial is required then park yourselves at The Bugle for a bumper pub lunch where you might just find the ‘Catch of the Day’ on the menu.
Image courtesy of ledburylovely on Flickr